LeeLaa - Chop Wood pt. 2 (Is It So) [prod. Abnormal Sleepz]

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Chill wanderlust, fairytale Magic transcending through in Chop Wood Pt 2 , the latest single from Leelaa on the Vocals featuring Snoppy and Produced by Abnormal Sleepz, This trio together have created a vibe so earthy and grounded to have it on constant repeat.

Leelaa talked about the process of making the track and how she met up with the individuals involved in helping her grow as an artist and through the process of making “Chop Wood Pt 2” , she mentioned

Both these songs for me, are about how I experienced those lessons. I wrote both these songs whilst studying at university. So for those who know, it's a mad humbling life check in so many ways it's impossible to talk about it in a sitting (even three years was too fast). 

So for me, chop wood was like the realisation that: 

1.The list is unlimited and life is relentless 

2. Knowing that how do you find light moments in between all that darkness? (Part 1).

3. The realisation that, that journey, that quest for  balance is actualised by, my living breathing existence ? And I don't really have to do shit other than, ride those wAavYes (part 2). 

Chop wood part one was inspired by the Buddhist mantra for enlightenment  "to reach enlightenment chop wood fetch water, reach enlightenment, chop wood, fetch water"   and signifies the start of my journey into the dark if I'm keeping it real. You could call it "The light" if you want the easy to digest POS vibes only talk. Lol I realised perspective is gold. 

On a more practical level, Chop Wood was the first time since being a teenager, Id even opened up those lungs to serve a purpose, and it was very much guided by being introduced to abnormal sleepz, who massively put me on. 

Both him and snoopy made a space where I was free to start getting creative again and working with that super levelled raw talent at the start of my journey was like jumping in head first deep end,  but chop wood part 2 (is it so) was the emergence onto the other side of that for me. 

This is one chill kickback vibes from Leelaa you would love in your daily routine playlist.